Know your numbers, know your business

Know your numbers, know your business

You need to know your numbers to truly know and improve your business. This means accurate, timely accounts, presented in a way that you understand. Don’t be afraid of your accounting software.  It should be your best friend.If you do have a game plan for your...
Cash, cash, cash

Cash, cash, cash

Cashflow is your secret business weapon to survival, prosperity, and growth. Your greatest ally in business is ‘knowing your numbers’ intimately. Good or bad, they’re your best friend. The closer you get to them, the more in control you are of your business, your...
5 Top Tips for Running SME’s

5 Top Tips for Running SME’s

Running a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) can be both rewarding and challenging. To achieve long-term success, it is essential to find ways to fine-tune your business operations and optimise performance. Here’s our 5 top tips for success: 1. Know Your Numbers:...
What is a Business Model

What is a Business Model

What is your plan for making a profit? This is your Business Model and describes the basis of how your business creates and delivers value to its targeted customers. Having clarity of what you are selling, exactly to which customers and understanding why they would...